Mini 4WD Wiki
Mini 4WD Wiki

The Classic Circuit 2018 (Japanese: クラシックサーキット2018, Kurashikku Sākitto 2018) is a Mini 4WD circuit built by Tamiya for the 2018 season of Tamiya Japan Cup.

General info[]

The Classic Circuit was based on a Japan Cup circuit used in 1988, the Ultra Great Dash Circuit. As such, the circuit layout is similar.

Following the starting line is the special Vortex Changer section, in which the last lane is in the vortex-like shape. In addition, the cars in the other four lanes will have to passing through the Rocking Straight section after the right curve, where wash boards were placed onto the fences to slows the car down.

After the Vortex Changer is the left digital U-turn curve section, This section will slows down the cars due to its linear corner shape, but can be countered by using the slide damper parts. Following the digital curve and a straight line is the New Era Turn U-turn curve.

Following the long straight section is the Summer Wave 2045, which is the combination of the right Glide Bank 20 section and the left Glide Bank 45 section and the right 30 degree bank U-turn curve, all of which were tilt-placed. For cars that enters this part with fast speed, stability is the key, as one wrong move will potentially cause the car to flip over.

What follows is the Fujitsu Climax Road section, which consist of a single Dragon Back slope and a long Mohican Straight 2018 road. (Where all of the lanes has the thin board on the center of the lanes, potentially slowing down the cars with lower ground clearance.) Stability is the key here, as the car will course out if it going too fast and didn't land properly before entering the right curve. After that, the start/goal line will be crossed.

See also[]

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